
Internship Reflection: Kevin Carrara

Colleen Judge
August 12, 2022

Kevin Carrara spent the summer as a Finance Intern at South Street Securities. We wish him the best of luck as he returns to Fairfield University for his Senior year! Check out what he has to say about his experience:

Why did you choose South Street Securities?
The South Street Securities Internship Program not only offers the unique opportunity for students to learn from industry experts in the financial capital of the world, but also provides a personalized experience for each individual intern. Unlike other programs, interns are not grouped together and sent off to do meaningless projects. Instead, we are given mentors and the chance to work alongside professionals who have been in the industry for decades. Most notably, I found the securities lending side of the business very interesting because I was able to witness it first-hand on the trading floor.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

I enjoyed being a part of the Equity Finance desk because it gave me the opportunity to witness the interactive, relationship-based nature of South Street’s business. I quickly learned how the communication between members of our team and traders from other firms was constant. There was never a dull moment. I found the dynamics of the trading floor to be exhilarating.

What was the biggest takeaway?
The biggest takeaway from this opportunity was how important communication and relationships are in this business. It became clear to me that the ability to forge and maintain relationships with other people in the industry is one of the most crucial aspects that impacts the success of an individual as well as that of an entire firm. I also learned that I thrive in tight-knit, collaborative work environments.


About Kevin Carrara

Kevin Carrara is entering his Senior year as a student in the Dolan School of Business at Fairfield University. He is studying Finance with a minor in Economics.

He is currently working as an Equity Finance Intern at South Street Securities, focusing on securities lending strategy in the stock loan department. His previous experience includes working as a Wealth Management Intern for Evergreen Financial Services in Chatham, NJ.

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